Becca Fox
Author of Young Adult and New Adult Fiction
Becca Fox is an awkward introvert who loves to read and write, watch anime, and play videogames next to her gamer husband. Her idea of a good time is hunting for the next great rom-com and planning trips to the exotic places where these stories take place. She has four kids so no, she doesn't get any sleep and yes, she's in desperate need of a housekeeper.
Each one of Becca's books has a romance arc, a dash of mystery, a healthy dosage of adventure, and at least one plot twist you may or may not see coming. She is passionate about creating realistic couples who struggle and argue, but in the end choose to love each other despite their baggage and flaws. Creating characters that the reader can identify with and champion is very important to her, as well as describing scenery in random--and sometimes annoying--detail.

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What is the difference between Young Adult and New Adult fiction?Young adult fiction follows the stories of teenage protagonists, usually between the ages of 15 and 18. New adult fiction portrays main characters who are slightly older, between the ages of 18 and 25, but can sometimes go up to 30. While YA focuses on coming-of-age themes, NA tackles more mature themes.
Don't fiction and fantasy mean the same thing?No, Fantasy is a genre within the Fiction category.
Do all of Becca's books have romance in them? If so, what is the heat level?Yes, all of Becca's books do have a romance arc (sometimes it's prominently portrayed, other times it's more of a subplot). The romantic elements can be categorized as "sweet" or "low sensuality" or "closed door." There will be hugs, kisses, emotional elements, and some physical descriptions, but never explicit scenes.
Is there any action in Becca's books? If so, what is the rating?Yes, there are action sequences in Becca's books but the rating is strictly PG-13 (some blood but no overt descriptions of viscera or gore).
Is Becca a self published author or a traditionally published author?Both. Some of Becca's books are under contract with BHC Press, while others are self published. All of her books are available on a wide range of sites. Please visit each book's page for a full list of purchasing options.
What kind of endings can I expect from Becca's books?Becca is a fan of "Happily Ever Afters" or at least "Happy for Now" type endings. Real life offers tragic enough endings.